Extend the power of Bloomerang with Swell's robust event ticketing system designed for nonprofits. Table management, sponsor ticket features, hybrid ticketing and custom emails help nonprofits tailor Swell to their needs and impress their guests.
Results: Increased pre-event giving (18% average), improved pre-event communication, more attendee data, smooth check-in process
Build your online presence with an evergreen event/campaign site. Donors/Guests can purchase tickets, tables, sponsorships and give.
Swell event sites are perfect for breakfast and luncheon fundraisers, honoree events, peer-to-peer walks, golf tournaments and online campaigns. See our case studies here.
Your event is more than just selling tickets and sponsorships through a transaction page. You need simple tools to streamline checkin, activate giving, expand your reach and, when appropriate, go virtual.
Swell's on-site applications include our check-in application, automatic emails to guests for giving, dynamic QR codes and the fundraising display.
Download Swell's FAQ to learn even more.
Match your Swell events and online campaigns with a Fund, Appeal and Campaign in your Bloomerang system.
Swell consolidates your guest/constituent activity into one line. Example: Guest One purchases two tickets and makes a donation. This is combined into one line prior to the sync.
Swell goes through a match sync process connecting Swell records with Bloomerang constituent records. The system provides you with a preliminary view of new records to be created and constituent matching BEFORE a final sync.
After nonprofit clients, review the preliminary match-sync results the final push can occur. This process sends Swell data to the constituent records in Bloomerang.
Transactions are recorded to existing or newly created constituent records with notes detailing a purchase (table, tickets etc.)
All event attendees (no transaction required) are mapped to existing or newly created constituent records. Tickets become "interactions" in the Bloomerang constituent record. The interaction will enhance the constituent's engagement score.
Director of Development, STAIR